By: Bill Kottenstette, Accountability Committee Co-Chair Please join the D'Evelyn Accountability Committee this Tuesday (10/11/22) at 5:30pm in the D'Evelyn library for our monthly meeting. Aside from standing agenda items, meeting topics will include:
If you are interested in serving on one or more of these subcommittees, you can sign up here. Any community member can participate on these subcommittees. By: Bill Kottenstette, D'Evelyn Accountability Committee Vice Chair
Sign up for notifications and join the D’Evelyn Accountability Committee! The Accountability Committee (A/C) would like to officially welcome everyone back for the 22-23 school year! We are excited to start our monthly meetings and connect with parents, students, teachers, administrators, and other community supporters that are interested in becoming more involved at D’Evelyn. The Accountability Committee serves in an advisory role to the Principal and the Steering Committee and is tasked with facilitating community engagement at D’Evelyn and supporting the school’s continuous improvement efforts. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 5:30 pm. At meetings, you will hear updates about the school and have the opportunity to provide feedback. The D’Evelyn School Accountability Committee will be holding its first monthly meeting on Tuesday, September 13th at 5:30 pm. The meeting will be held in person (library) as well as virtually. During the meeting, you will receive updates from our Principal as well as a member of the Steering Committee. We also plan to adopt sub-committee structures for the year, recruit participants for sub-committees and have an open forum to hear from attendees. It will be a busy meeting, but a great way to kick off the new year!! If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact the A/C Chair, Bill Kottenstette, at [email protected]. Also, please join our distribution list by completing this basic contact form. Hope to see you all there! By: Carrie Kollar The Accountability Committee (A/C) would like to thank everyone that has joined us for a meeting so far this semester. We can’t believe that it is almost winter break. During this meeting we will be hearing from the Principal about the School Improvement Plan and the budget. These are important updates that all parents should hear. The meeting will be held in person and virtual. The link is above and will also be on our agenda which is posted on the Accountability Committee website. Our subcommittees will report out and will be asking for additional volunteers. If you are interested in serving on a subcommittee please see the sign-up form here: Subcommittee Sign-Up
If you have any questions or would like more information regarding the Accountability Committee, please contact the A/C Chair, Carrie Kollar, at [email protected]. Hope to see you all there! By: Carrie Kollar, Accountability Committee Chair
Accountability Committee Meeting October 12, 2021 @ 5:30 Library and Virtual The Accountability Committee (A/C) would like to thank everyone that was able to join us for our first meeting last month. We have our next meeting this Tuesday, October 12, 2021 @ 5:30 pm. We will hold the meeting both in-person and virtually (link will be on the agenda on the D’Evelyn website, Accountability page and will be sent out via email). We encourage anyone who can come in person to join us! This month we will continue to hear updates from Steering Committee, School Administration and will get to meet D’Evelyn’s new teachers. Our subcommittees will report out and will be asking for volunteers. As always, it will be a busy meeting, but a great way to get involved and hear more about the school. Upcoming event – in November, Officer Everhart will be holding his annual presentation on Internet Safety. This will include updated information from prior years including new information on TikTok and other developing social media issues. This presentation always proves to be informative and relevant in knowing how to best talk to our kids about keeping themselves and others safe in this ever-changing social media world. The presentation will likely be the third week of November (specific date/time to be announced soon). If you have any questions or would like more information regarding the Accountability Committee, please contact the A/C Chair, Carrie Kollar, at [email protected]. Hope to see you all there! By: Carrie Kollar The Accountability Committee (A/C) would like to officially welcome everyone back for the 21-22 school year. We are excited to start our monthly meetings and connect with parents and community members who are interested in becoming more involved at D’Evelyn. The Accountability Committee serves in an advisory role to the Steering Committee and the school and is tasked with facilitating community engagement at D’Evelyn and supporting the school’s continuous improvement efforts. Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at 5:30 pm. At meetings you will hear updates about the school and have the opportunity to provide feedback. A/C will be holding their first monthly meeting on Tuesday, September 14th at 5:30 pm. The meeting will be held in-person (library) as well as virtually (link will be emailed out and will also be on the agenda that is on the accountability website). During the meeting you will receive information on the start of the school year, meet several new teachers, join sub-committees, learn about the Founding Document, and receive training from the Steering Committee to serve on textbook/curriculum review committees. It will be a busy meeting, but a great way to kick off the new year!! If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact the A/C Chair, Carrie Kollar, at [email protected]. Hope to see you all there! Written by: Carrie Kollar, Accountability Committee Chair ACCOUNTABILITY COMMITTEE VIRTUAL MEETING 4/13/21 OFFICER ELECTIONS The Accountability Committee will be holding their monthly virtual meeting on Tuesday, April 13th starting at 5:30 pm. Meeting can be accessed here:
We will be electing officers to serve on Accountability for the 21-22 school year. There are four officer positions and elections take place each year. The nominating committee has received nominations for the following:
All voting members of the Accountability Committee (those that were members as of September 30, 2020) are entitled to vote at this election. We hope you will join us Tuesday to participate in this election, as well as hear school updates from Mr. Griffin, discuss a proposed technology plan addressing cell phone use and other updates regarding D’Evelyn. Following the regular meeting there will be a Candidate Forum for those running for positions on the Steering Committee. This is another chance to hear from those that are seeking to serve in these important roles. Hope to “see” many of you on Tuesday! Written by: Bill Kottenstette and Melinda Bochner
The technology subcommittee of the D’Evelyn Accountability Committee has been meeting approximately monthly to discuss issues regarding the use of technology at D’Evelyn. Although the subcommittee has focused on remote learning much of this year, it has also sought to complete work that began over a year ago related to student cell phone use in school. In returning to this issue, we endeavored to take a meaningful look at concerns expressed by many parents and teachers about the extent to which cell phones and other types of personal electronic devices are progressively and negatively affecting our students’ ability to focus and learn, as well as their socialization. This school year, the subcommittee reviewed the current cell phone policy at D’Evelyn, policies of nearby middle and high schools, and a survey completed by D’Evelyn teachers last school year concerning student cell phone use in school. In examining the survey data and the policies, we concluded that cell phones are a common distraction in the D’Evelyn classroom and a hindrance to student learning. We also recognized that the discretionary nature of the current D’Evelyn policy allows for broad interpretation and differing degrees of enforcement. As the application of the current cell phone policy is non-uniform, students frequently carry and use their cell phones throughout the school day. After thoughtful consideration, the subcommittee recommends that the Steering Committee adopt a more structured and restrictive policy surrounding cell phone use during school hours, to enhance the learning environment in our classrooms and promote the overall wellness of D’Evelyn students. D’Evelyn’s Founding Document emphasizes that “[e]ach student has the right to an education free of disruptions that interfere with learning.” Consistent with this principle -- and recognizing that modern personal devices have a subtle, yet pervasive effect on our attention and work quality -- we believe that a revised and more specific policy will better support the proper functioning of the school and reinforce a deeper learning experience for all students. Specifically, the draft proposes a no cell phone policy during school hours, from 7:35 am to 2:30 pm. If students choose to bring their phones or other devices to school, all devices must be powered off and stored in lockers. At their discretion, teachers may allow students to utilize Chromebooks in the classroom for specific, teacher-directed activities. If there is general support in the community, we believe that an upgraded cell phone policy could be implemented at the start of the 2021-22 school year. With that in mind, we want to hear from you! To learn more about the proposed policy changes, and to share your thoughts and opinions, please join us at the next Accountability Committee meeting on April 13th at 5:30 pm. Written by: Carrie Kollar, Accountability Committee Chair The Accountability Committee will be holding their monthly virtual meeting on Tuesday, January 12th starting at 5:30 pm. Join us to hear several updates and important information. We will hear a general principal update, hear from the counselors regarding a new application for the D’Evelyn community, and discussion of a new proposed Valedictorian policy. Steering Committee will also be providing a hiring committee training for any parents interested in serving on a hiring committee this spring. The link for the meeting will be posted on our website under the Agenda for January 2021 and will also be emailed out to our distribution list. If you are interested in being put on that list please email Carrie Kollar, [email protected] Hope to “see” many of you on Tuesday! Written by: Carrie Kollar, Accountability Committee
The Accountability Committee will be holding their monthly virtual meeting on Tuesday, November 10th starting at 5:30 pm. Join us to hear updates on virtual learning, budget overviews and scheduling for final exams and 2nd semester. This is a great chance to give your input while hearing important information that impacts the D’Evelyn community. After the meeting Steering Committee will be holding their Steering Candidate Training. The link for the meeting will be posted on our website under the Agenda for November 2020. We will also be emailing the link out to our email distribution list. If you are interested in being put on that list please email Carrie Kollar, [email protected] We hope to “see” many of you on Tuesday! Written by: Carrie Kollar, Accountability Committee Chair The Accountability Committee will be holding their monthly virtual meeting on Tuesday, October 13th starting at 5:30 pm. Join us to hear updates on virtual learning, building progress and possible schedule changes. This is a great chance to give your input while hearing important information that impacts the D’Evelyn community. We will also be giving updates and asking for volunteers for our sub-committees, which include Technology/Remote Learning, Survey/Data and 6th Grade Success. We hope that you will be interested in joining a sub- committee. Finally, Steering Committee will be providing information on the upcoming 20/21 election process. The link for the meeting will be posted on our website under the Agenda for October 2020. We will also be emailing the link out to our email distribution list. If you are interested in being put on that list please email Carrie Kollar, [email protected] We hope to “see” many of you on Tuesday! Written by: Carrie Kollar, Accountability Committee Co-Chair ACCOUNTABILITY COMMITTEE VIRTUAL MEETING 9/15/20 The Accountability Committee will be holding the first meeting of the school year on Tuesday, September 15th starting at 5:30 pm. Join us to meet our new officers, meet the new teachers and hear about how this “different” school year is going. We will also be asking for volunteers for our new sub-committees, which will include Technology, Remote Learning, Survey/Data and 6th Grade Success. We hope that you will be interested in joining a sub-committee. Finally, Steering Committee will be training so that attendees can sit on Textbook and Curriculum Review committees, which is another great way to contribute to D’Evelyn. The link for the meeting will be posted on our website under the Agenda for Sept 2020. We will also be emailing the link out to our email distribution list. If you are interested in being put on that list please email Carrie Kollar, [email protected] We hope to “see” many of you on Tuesday! Written by: Angie Volheim, EMBA D’Evelyn Parents: Have you ever wanted to volunteer at the D’Evelyn but you are not sure what you can do? Have you ever thought, ‘I would love for this aspect of the school to be praised, highlighted or changed?’ If you have had any of those thoughts, then please consider becoming an Accountability Committee Officer. Please email me [email protected] Monday, May 11 and tell me which office you want to run for and please include a short bio. The current offices with no candidates for the 20 -21 school year are: Vice Chair and Community Member at Large. I look forward to hearing from you. Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mothers!
To join the Accountability meeting:
Join Zoom Meeting We hope to “see” many of you on Tuesday! Written by: Carrie Kollar, Accountability Committee
The Accountability Committee will be holding a virtual meeting on Tuesday, April 14th starting at 5:30 pm. We will be announcing officer candidates (voting at May meeting), hearing updates from the Steering Committee, and having Mr. Griffin answer your questions. If you have any questions you would like answered please submit them prior to the meeting by emailing your question to Carrie Kollar at [email protected] Please have all questions submitted by the end of the day on Monday 4/13. If you are interested in running for an Accountability Committee Officer position for next school year please contact Angie Volheim at [email protected] Following the Accountability Meeting there will be a Steering Committee Candidate Forum. So stayed logged in to hear candidates for Steering Committee answer questions and discuss their candidacy. Voting will take place on Friday and Saturday following the forum. To join either the Accountability Meeting (starting at 5:30) or the Candidate Forum (starting at 6:30) please click here: Accountability Meeting We hope to “see” many of you on Tuesday! By Carrie Kollar, Accountability Committee Co-Chair The Accountability Committee has several sub-committees working to create proposed policies, solicit information for the school, etc. We would like to give all parents the opportunity to provide feedback prior to the proposals being finalized. The school environment sub-committee has been working hard to re-vamp the existing dress code. The focus was to maintain a desired level of respect and professionalism with a basis in D’Evelyn’s values, while creating a standard of dress that is both gender neutral and enforceable. It was with these goals in mind that the sub-committee reviewed policies from other schools, other school districts, and solicited direct input from our community (teachers/students/parents). Differences from the current standard of dress include a change in length requirement and how it is measured, as well as how overall coverage is determined. These changes were made in order to create a standard of dress that furthered the values of D’Evelyn while also doing the following: having buy-in by all parties (staff, students, and parents), addressing complaints and incorporating suggestions as appropriate, and creating a proposed policy that can be enforced by staff members. Also included is a final provision giving the administration the right to make final determinations regarding the appropriateness of dress in the context of the values and goals in the standard. We understand that we might not be able to anticipate everything that our kids might want to wear and this will allow administration to address situations not specifically covered in the policy. We would like to obtain additional input from parents/community members to assist in the process. You can find a draft of the proposed policy at this link: Proposed Dress Code You can email any comments/feedback directly to Carrie Kollar at [email protected]. If submitted feedback via email please send no later than February 14, 2020. We will also be soliciting input at the Accountability meeting on February 11th. |
The Accountability Committee advises both the Principal and the Steering Committee by evaluating the schools effectiveness and researching pertinent issues. Archives
October 2022