By: Jeff Pilkington We are excited to invite you to the 2023 DEF Fundraiser Golf Tournament on June 30th at Arrowhead Golf Club! This event is a fun way to raise money for the D'Evelyn community and also enjoy an afternoon of golf at an amazing venue. The tournament format is a team scramble which makes the day fun for golfers of all abilities. There are also options to attend the dinner banquet for non-golfers or to donate if you're unable to attend. As a reminder, everyone is welcome to participate in this event. Please invite your friends, family, co-workers, students, and faculty. We appreciate your support and look forward to a fun Tournament. Event Details:
Registration Info:
If you can't make the event there's also an option to donate to the foundation. We appreciate your support! Please Reach out to Ned Hamilton or Jeff Pilkington for any additional questions. ![]() By: Susan Aberle, Junior High Social Chair 8th Grade Parents, we need your help in providing our 8th grade students a fun-filled 8th grade celebration. This event will be held after school on Friday, May 26th and have great outdoor activities including a DJ, Nerf Gun Wars, Photo Booth, Obstacle Course. Pizza and Dessert will also be served. We need parent volunteers to assist with setup, cleanup, monitoring activities, serving food and donations for beverages, desserts and prizes. You can sign up to volunteer or donate via the Sign up Genius. Monetary donations can be made online through this link. 8th Grade Celebration Event Details
By: Wendi Graper
A big thank you to all the after prom volunteers! We asked and you answered! We are so grateful to have such a supportive community. This event could not be done without you. Smiles and laughter were plentiful all night. The kids definitely had a fantastic and safe time. By: Ann Lisa Seanor, Senior Montages Coordinator
A big thank you to the 60% of Seniors who've already picked up their Senior Montage poster boards from Crystal in the Counseling Office. For that other 40%, give yourselves and your parents this opportunity to celebrate your achievements and your journeys to make it to this point! Stop in, say hello to Crystal, and grab a poster board and instructions. It'll be fun! By: Jenna Spendlove, DEF Executive Director
The D'Evelyn Education Foundation (DEF) is looking for parent volunteers to help with the important work of supporting the activities of the Foundation. Our organization is based on service to our community and is run entirely by parent volunteers. As you may know, DEF provides financial support for programs that enhance the opportunities and resources available to D'Evelyn students and encourages the development of a community that fosters learning and achievement inside and outside the classroom. Crucial Positions Needed:
More details about volunteer opportunities can be found HERE. The current officers filling these positions are willing to help train the new volunteers to ensure a smooth transition. Please contact Jenna Spendlove, Executive Director for more information and/or with questions via email at [email protected]. By: Cynthia Shelden, DEF Scholarship Committee Chair
The Jamin B. Wilson Fund is a charitable fund established within the D’Evelyn Education Foundation for the purpose of improving public education by recognizing and rewarding individuals who have demonstrated an extraordinary commitment to inspiring belief in the importance of education and learning, encouraging good citizenship and personal responsibility, and fostering high standards of achievement in learning among the young people in our public schools. The $3000 award may be made to any individual who has demonstrated success in fulfilling the purpose of the award. Nominations may be made by any person, including supervisors, colleagues, students, or other citizens in the community knowledgeable about the individual’s contribution to the education of students at D’Evelyn Junior/Senior High School.
By: Wendi Graper, DEF After Prom Chair
Senior Parents, we are currently searching for a volunteer to coordinate the Senior Montage project. The project involves creating a photo collage of highlights from the students' lives and will require tasks such as sending out communications, creating an electronic slide show and hanging the montages at their designated display location. Detailed instructions and samples will be provided to you. If you are interested in assisting with this particular project or have any questions, please email [email protected]. ![]() By: Natalie Hart, D'Evelyn Dash Chair Volunteers D’Evelyn Parents, mark your calendars! The D’Evelyn DASH has been set for August 26th, 2023. This year's theme is Western / Country. The DASH committee could use your help. We are looking for volunteers to help with the following:
Most volunteer positions can be done from home and on your own time, with a minimal time commitment. If you are willing to help, please send an email to [email protected]. Our first meeting will be on the 26th of January @ 6 pm in the office conference room Logo Contest We want your artwork on this year's t-shirt. We invite you to create the next masterpiece inspired by Western Country Theme.
Logos will be sent out via email to the student body to cast their vote. The artwork with the most votes wins the context. The winner will be notified by February 22, 2023. By: Rick Harvey Chair & D’Evelyn Education Foundation Board of Directors “Six Buckets.” The D’Evelyn Education Foundation (DEF), as the non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the entire D’Evelyn Community, has created these 6 buckets to assist with the needs of the school and allow you, as a donor, to decide if you want your contribution to go to one of these buckets. Those 6 buckets are Athletics, Capital Improvements, Performing Arts (which includes marching band, orchestra, theatre, and choir), Scholarships (including teacher support and Outdoor Lab), Technology, and Textbooks / School Supplies. In past years, DEF has partially funded technology needs such as computers for the computer lab and classroom technology; athletics' uniforms and equipment; performing arts’ new instruments and audio/visual equipment; as well as replacing aging and outdated textbooks and supplies.
Graduating students have received 10’s of thousands of dollars in scholarships and teachers have earned professional development funds as well as monetary awards. D’Evelyn has a new gym floor, weight room, and music room in part through the support of D’Evelyn families and their donations to DEF. In addition to these 6 buckets, DEF also provides funding for Boys & Girls Mentoring, Teacher Appreciation activities, Mock Trial, After-Prom, and Junior High Social Committee. DEF funds the Jaguar Tracks and Parent-Teacher conference dinners for school staff. D’Evelyn Administration determines the needs and priorities for DEF funding based on the requests from coaches, faculty, and activity/club leaders. DEF tries extremely hard to raise enough funds to cover as many requests as possible. But we are not currently able to fund every request. We had a very successful Dinner Auction, but each of the 6 Buckets has priority requests that we just can’t fulfill at this time. Our students and teachers need your help. Please help us fund all these needs! There is no other tuition-free program that can compete with what D’Evelyn offers. No contribution is too small and a donation from every family would show community support for our exceptional school as we attempt to raise $96,000 during this year’s Annual Campaign. Please make your check payable to “DEF” and mail it to the school or contribute online via We thank you in advance for your generous contribution and ongoing support! By: Jenna Spendlove, DEF Executive Director
DEF is looking for parent volunteers to help with the important work of supporting the activities of the Foundation. Our organization is based on service to our community and is run entirely by parent volunteers. As you may know, DEF provides financial support for programs that enhance the opportunities and resources available to D’Evelyn students and encourages the development of a community that fosters learning and achievement inside and outside the classroom. Crucial Positions URGENTLY NEEDED:
More details about volunteer opportunities can be found on the DEF Website. The current officers filling these positions are willing to help train the new volunteers to ensure a smooth transition. Please contact Jenna Spendlove, Executive Director for more information and/or with questions. By: Jenna Spendlove, DEF Executive Director
The D’Evelyn Education Foundation (DEF) currently distributes more than $24,500 in scholarships to deserving D’Evelyn Seniors at the annual Senior Awards Banquet each Spring. The DEF Board and Scholarship Committee are excited to announce our new Digital Scholarship Application process which is “LIVE” as of December 1, 2022. Each student must submit the completed DEF Digital Scholarship Application along with the required documentation for each application located within the digital application. Students will need access to their ACT and/or SAT scores, common-app essay, transcripts, letters of recommendation, list of personal experiences, honors, awards, activities, and a completed coach or teacher ranking form for applicable scholarships. If a student has easy access to these items, the application process should be quick and easy! We hope students will peruse the various scholarships and apply for all they qualify for! All completed online applications and required documents are due in the Counseling Office on February 28, 2023, at 11:59 pm. NO EXCEPTIONS! This includes all supporting materials such as letters of recommendation, ranking forms, transcripts, scores, etc. Please allow teachers, community members, and coaches ample time to complete the requested forms and letters for your scholarship to be completed by the deadline. The DEF Scholarship Committee is happy to help you with any questions you may have along the way, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly at: [email protected] The DEF Scholarships can be accessed online on the Scholarship Page. please note any other links/pages that list any paper application process are no longer valid. Only digital applications located on our Scholarship page will be accepted. We are working to get all of these spots resolved. By: Heidi Leoni
Volunteers Needed! Finals Care Package time is here again! We need volunteers to help stuff the bags on December 16th from 12:15 - 2:30. Please use this link to sign up and invite your friends too! Student Notes of Encouragement If you would like to add a note of encouragement to your student's bag(s), fill out the Note of Encouragement Form and email the form to Elizabeth Smith at [email protected] Missed out on buying a finals care package? If you missed out on buying a finals care package, you may pick one up in the Financial Office for $15 on the first day of finals. These are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Thank you for your support! It is Finals Care Package time again! This is a fun way to raise money for the D'Evelyn Prom. Each package consists of two beverages and a variety of snacks for the last two days of finals. All packages are free of nuts, and the allergy kind packages are dairy-free and gluten-free.
If you did not order a set of finals care packages, you may do so until December 2, 2022. After that date, your student may pick up and pay for a package on the first day of finals at a cost of $15. Packages are $25 for two semesters and there are two ways to order a package:
Questions? Email Heidi or Elizabeth at [email protected] or [email protected]. By: Jenna Spendlove, Executive Director OUR D’EVELYN COMMUNITY IS AMAZING! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Many thanks to the over 170 people who attended Friday’s Annual DEF Dinner & Auction and to the many who participated online! Thank you to the numerous businesses and individuals who donated so charitably to the live and silent auctions! Thank you to our sponsors for their generosity and support of this important fundraiser! We are still finalizing numbers and will continue to sell our D’Evelyn Community Parties and Experiences as well as the few items that didn’t receive any bids, but wanted to share with you that because of the active participation of our generous community we EXCEEDED this event’s fundraising GOAL of $60,000! The funds raised Friday evening will be dedicated to student scholarships, teacher scholarships & awards, sports, arts, and teacher appreciation. If you weren’t in attendance, there are still opportunities to contribute and support these important items as well as the numerous other programs DEF supports. We have much to celebrate and the opportunity to items as well as multiple D’Evelyn Community Parties and Experiences to purchase tickets to. Here are just a few pictures from the evening’s festivities! Thank you to the outstanding Auction Team entirely made up of dedicated parent volunteers!
By: Susan Aberle, Junior High Social Committee Chair The Junior High Social Committee hosted a great time at Roller City on November 4th with over 40 attendees. Special thanks to the volunteers who helped chaperone the event including, Dan Jones, Kelly Benninghoff, Alyssa Elmore, Elizabeth Edlen, Jamie Siebrase, Anna Helton, Kassa Harrison, Rita Dale, George Harrison, Missy Vigil, Malia Burton, Kelly Brooks and anyone that I may have forgotten. Look for another great event early this spring. |
The D'Evelyn Education Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable corporation. The Board of Directors oversees the finances, legal issues and long-term strategic plans of the organization Archives
May 2023