By: Greg Kottcamp, Assistant Principal
We are gearing up for the 2022-2023 school year and that means Registration Day is just around the corner. We encourage all available students/families to come to Registration Day on Tuesday, August 9 anytime between 8:00-11:00 am or 1:00-3:00 pm. This is a great chance for students and families to reconnect with the school, review schedules, get a student ID/School Photo, access lockers, pay fees, pick up English novels, buy some D’Evelyn gear from the school store, and learn about some of our extra-curricular activities. If you can’t attend Registration Day in person, you can pay your fees online and access your schedule and locker information through Infinite Campus. All Students: We will have schedule and locker information available for families to view in Infinite Campus on Saturday, August 6th. We encourage you to attend registration with a digital or hard copy of your schedule, as we will not have printed copies available. Most individuals access their schedules on their phones through the Infinite Campus App. Returning Jeffco Students/Families: Existing families should go to the Infinite Campus Portal to update their account and verify household information (phone numbers and email addresses are crucial, remove old phone numbers and emails that you don’t use), student information, emergency contact information, and sign their agreements through the annual update process. Updates, including parent opt-out information, can only be made during the August 1 - September 12th window. For a step-by-step guide see the Family Update Guide. New Jeffco Students/Families: If your student is new to Jeffco and you haven’t been able to upload the following documents to OLR (online registration), please email the documents to our registrar at [email protected]:
School fees will now be posted and paid using the Infinite Campus Portal. School fees, schedules, and locker information will be available in the Campus Portal on Saturday, August 6. We encourage paying your fees online ahead of registration day. If you bring in the receipt showing school fees paid, you can skip the student fee line at the financial secretaries office and expedite your process for picking up the student planner and English Novels. Remember fees marked "Opt", are optional fees. If you have questions or want to pay your fees in person, you can visit the financial secretary’s office during registration hours.
As the district recently communicated, the federal school meal waivers will no longer be available for the 2022-23 school year. This means a return to paid meals beginning August 16 for students who do not qualify for Free or Reduced Meals benefits. Students can either pay with cash or use the Schoolcafe app to set up an account or add money to your child(ren)'s lunch account. If applicable, complete the Free and Reduced lunch program application. This application can also be used to apply for waivers for school fees if the appropriate selections are made on the form.
The below registration stations will be set up throughout the school. You only need to attend the stations pertinent to your child’s needs.
Health Clinic (Location: Main Office): In preparation for registration, please bring the appropriate paperwork along with any medication(s) your student will need at school this year. We do not have any medication in the health room except for what you provide. This includes Advil, Tylenol, cough drops, etc. Please email [email protected] if you have any questions.
Registrar (Location: Counseling Office): This station is for families needing help with Campus Portal Access, Completing the Free & Reduced Application process, or New to Jeffco Families that need additional help. Schedule Questions and/or Concerns (Location: Gym): Students/families can meet with their counselors to discuss schedule concerns. Schedule changes are only allowed for: wrong level placement, missing course requirements, and missing classes. We do not make schedule changes for teacher or lunch preferences. School Fees (Location: Line Starts at the front door by DJ the Jaguar - be patient!) Payment may be made with credit card, check, or cash. This is usually the longest line, so families may find value in paying fees online beforehand. If families have already paid fees online (bring a copy of the receipt), they can skip this station and proceed to the gym to pick up their academic planner and English novels. Academic Planner and English Novel Distribution (Location: Gym): Once students have paid their fees they can go to the gym to pick up their student planner and English Novels. Remember that if you paid school fees online - you need to bring in a copy of your receipt to show the staff. Student IDs/Photos (Location: Auditorium): Students will be able to get their photo taken for their school ID and the Yearbook. We will have an additional ID/Photo day on Friday, August 26 for students that can’t make it to registration day. Parking Passes (Will be distributed during the first week of school): In addition to paying the school parking pass fee, families must complete the 22-23 D’Evelyn Parking Application, and submit a copy of their driver’s license and current proof of Insurance to the Campus Supervisor. Clubs, Activities, Tours, and More (Location: Gym): The last stations in the gym will be for families to learn about some of our sports, clubs, activities, and organizations. We will have representatives from these groups available to give an overview of the programs and answer any questions. We encourage families to get involved in these extracurricular activities to help them make connections and feel part of the larger school community. We will also have students available for tours and to help new students locate and practice their locker combinations. TechForEd 1:1 Devices (Location: Library): For the 2022-2023 school year, all students will be part of the TechforEd 1:1 program. All 9th graders will receive new TechForEd devices while 6th, 7th, 8th, 10th, 11th, and 12th graders will continue using the TechForEd devices they received in 5th or 9th grade. Students who are new to the district or attended a district charter school will receive a device comparable to their grade level peers. School Store: We plan on having the school store open so that families can purchase some D’Evelyn clothing and gear. We look forward to seeing you at Registration on Tuesday, August 9th.
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