District resource shared by: Lisa Bell, Teacher Librarian February is a month in which relationships are in the spotlight everywhere you turn. This month's digital citizenship focus centers around how to build positive relationships, avoid risky talk online, and understand why some topics and conversations are not suited for digital platforms. At home, you can support your students in understanding digital Relationships and Communication in a variety of ways. Many kids are using social media and gaming platforms to enhance real-world friendships during the current school learning model. Common Sense Media makes the following suggestions to share with your household with links for additional resources/support: Communicate appropriately. Use the right language for your audience. You might write or speak to a teacher differently from a friend. Tip: never use all caps! Keep private things private. Don't share personal information, including passwords, your home address, inappropriate images, and gossip. Privacy and Internet Safety Respect others. Be courteous. Disagree politely. Character Strengths Don't lie, steal, or cheat. Don't try to deceive others. Remember to give credit where credit is due. Also, although it's easy to copy others' work, download things without permission, or use game cheat codes... don't do it. Teaching Kids about Copyrights Be an "upstander." If someone you know is being targeted by a bully, stand up for that person. You would want them to do the same for you. 10 Ways to be an Upstander Report misbehavior. The Internet is a giant community, and you can help it be a nice place. safe2tell.org/ 1-877-542-7233 Make a Call, Make a Difference Follow your family's rules. If your family tells you to avoid certain websites or to stop texting after a certain time, listen. The more you act responsibly, the more privileges you'll get. Middle School High School Think before you post, text, or share. Consider how you and others might feel after you've posted something. It's not always easy to take back what you've said online, and your online behavior can create a lasting footprint. Middle & High School Monthly Motto: We know the power of words and actions. Discussion Question for School and Home: How can I digitally communicate effectively and positively to build relationships? Relationships and Communication Family Activities: Additional Family Engagement Resources Jeffco’s Tech for Ed Website “Active mentorship is crucial for kids in the digital age. We want to teach kids to do the right thing, not "catch" them doing the wrong thing.” ~ Devorah Heitner, PhD Written by: Sarah Carlson We are collecting cash donations to order box lunches for teachers during conferences on Feb 11th. Hopefully we will be able to return to our awesome potluck meals in the near future! In the meantime, money may be turned in to the main office in envelope marked "conference meals" or you can Venmo Sarah Carlson at Sarah-Carlson-39. Thank you for supporting our amazing D'Evelyn teachers and staff! Date: 02/11/2021 (Thu.) Time: 9:00am - 6:00pm MST More information: D'Evelyn Parent Teacher Conference Meals |
May 2023