The D’Evelyn Senior High Student Council is excited to kick off our 2023 Wish Week by introducing our school’s Wish Kid, Luka! Luka is a five year old boy who is battling cancer, and his wish is to go to Hawaii and learn to surf on a red surfboard. Luka loves swimming, playing in the snow, riding his bike, watching movies, and playing with Legos. His favorite colors are red, black, blue, and green, and his favorite foods are chicken nuggets, smoothies, ice cream, and corn. Luka also loves Marvel movies (especially Spiderman!) and Transformers. The entire D’Evelyn community is working to raise $15,000 to support Make-A-Wish Colorado during our annual Wish Week, which is February 6-10. This organization works to grant wishes for children like Luka that are battling critical illnesses. Through the incredible support of our community, last year the Senior High Student Council facilitated the raising of over $20,000 for Make-A-Wish Colorado. Throughout Wish Week, students will be able to purchase Wish Week shirts, packs (shirt and themed accessories), and raffle tickets in support of Luka and his wish. These items will be sold before school and during lunch every day of Wish Week, as well as before and after the home basketball games on February 4 and February 10. Shirts cost $15, packs cost $25, and raffle tickets cost $1 per ticket. Thanks to the hard work of our Student Council members and the generosity of our sponsors, the raffle is stocked with a host of prizes worth over $2,000 in total! Please make sure to send your student to school with cash so that they may purchase these items and contribute to the fundraising effort. Parents, teachers, and all community members are also highly encouraged to buy shirts, packs, and raffle tickets. If you would like to donate directly towards the campaign to raise $15,000 for Make-A-Wish Colorado, you can donate securely online through this link. Several teachers and staff members will be shaving or dyeing their hair as we reach certain monetary checkpoints, so make sure and donate enough money to see your child’s (or your own) favorite teacher act for this amazing cause! There will be a thermometer tracking our fundraising progress with a long list of teacher incentives which can be found at the entrance of the D’Evelyn library. In addition to our typical spirit week dress-up days, we will also be putting on school-wide 7th hour activities each day. To attend these events, your student should sign up for 7th hour as normal and go to that teacher’s classroom. All students will be dismissed via intercom around 2:00 to come to the auditorium for the activity. Throughout the week, we are also hosting food night fundraisers in which all money raised will be donated to Make-A-Wish Colorado; please be sure to mention D’Evelyn at checkout, or your purchase may not contribute to the fundraiser. We strongly encourage all D'Evelyn students, teachers, and parents to participate in all of the following activities! Wish week activities and events
February 6
February 7
February 8
February 9
February 10
Please reach out to [email protected] with any questions. Thank you so much for your support! By: Crystal Frigo, Post-Grad Secretary
What’s on the Calendar?
Course Selection is coming! Counselors will be in classrooms the week of February 6th to talk to students about choosing their classes for next year. Students are welcome to set an appointment with their counselor if they have any questions or if they would like to have a more in-depth conversation about what classes will help them meet their big picture. Please have them come down to the Counseling Office to make an appointment. Scholarships The D’Evelyn Education Foundation (DEF) currently distributes more than $24,500 in scholarships to deserving D’Evelyn Seniors at the annual Senior Awards Banquet each Spring. To learn more about the scholarships offered and the application process, review the scholarship page on the DEF website. Dennison Eagle Community PTA Scholarship: $1000 awarded to 2 seniors. Students must have attended Dennison Elementary School. Application criteria and instructions can be found here. The application deadline is April 1. Naviance Scholarship Research: Go under the College tab, Scholarship match. Narrow down the search “Scholarship LIST”. Add scholarships you are interested in to the “Scholarship Applications”. Scholarship Research: Contact your school's financial aid offices to ask what scholarships they offer (merit or major based). Contact businesses, corporations, and volunteer organizations with whom you have a relationship to see what they offer. Opportunities and Resources Real Estate Broker RE/MAX – hiring a high school student with good computer skills for $18/hr. Approximately 15 hours per week. Call Jay Longmire at 303-909-4308 located on Bowles and Wadsworth. American Legion Auxiliary Girls State: A week-long civic engagement program that is nationally recognized and provides an amazing opportunity for junior girls to enhance their college applications. Hosted at Northeastern Junior College, Sterling from June 15 - 20. Apply by May 15. American Legion Colorado Boys State: High School Juniors will experience real life creating and operating their own cities, counties, and state governments. Hosted at Northeastern Junior College, Sterling from June 4 - 10. Apply by May 1. Worcester Polytechnic Institute (MA) – Frontiers Residential Summer Program: application opens January 17, 2023, for 10th - 12th-grade students to explore topics in STEM and the humanities. Students around the globe come together to experience college life. Sessions are July 9 - 21 and July 23 - August 4. Tuition is $3,595. Girls Lead the Way – STEM & Leadership Conference: Saturday, February 4 from 8:15 am to 4:30 pm at the Colorado School of Mines, Green Center 924 16th St., Golden, CO 80401. The cost is $30 and registration closes on January 25. St. Albans School of Public Service Summer Programs in Washington D.C. This program is for High School Seniors interested in politics, government, and public service, or who have taken part in Model UN, debate, or mock trials. The curriculum is built around case studies, many from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard; mini-courses in economics, and public speaking. This residential program provides dormitories on campus and runs from June 25 to July 22. Apply by March 1. CU Denver LYNX National Arts and Media Camps: The LYNX National Arts and Media Camps are summer immersion programs for high school students interested in the arts and music.
CU Denver College of Arts and Media Visit Opportunities: Meis Open House Dates and Audition Dates: 2/3/23, 2/24/23, and 3/10/23. Email Ms. Crystal for more information. Birch Psychology: Group teen therapy sessions for teens struggling with frequent mood swings, depression, anxiety, peer relationships, and coping skills. Sessions are on Tuesdays starting in February. To learn more and enroll contact via phone at 303-834-1026 or email at [email protected] Birch Psychology is located at 950 Logan Street, Suite 101, Denver, CO 80203 New Foundation Counseling provides trauma-focused therapy, specializing in teens and the LGBTQ+ community. Their new location is close to D’Evelyn. Contact information: New Foundation Counseling 2255 S. Wadsworth Blvd., Suite 200. 720-996-1340 or [email protected]. Therapists have availability and accept Aetna, Cigna, and Medicaid. College Application Affordability Toolkit: This link has resources about financial aid, FAFSA loans, and scholarships. Essay/Editing help for Scholarship and College Applications. Emily Smith (recent D'Evelyn graduate) has a freelance editing business, "Wordsmith Services". Emily has experience with the application process for both scholarships and colleges. For a nominal fee of $2 a page (generally) and quick turnaround times, she can help to provide you with editing, proofreading, and clear communication. Email Emily at [email protected]. This a reminder to all families that D'Evelyn will have a 2-hour delayed start this Thursday, February 2nd. This late start along with the other late start scheduled on May 4th are part of the negotiated agreement between Jeffco Schools and the Jefferson County Education Association (JCEA). On these days, the 2-hour delay bell schedule will be followed and the school store will be closed.
By: Dan Wille, Assistant Principal
Juniors will participate in the SAT college readiness exam at D’Evelyn on April 12. All D’Evelyn juniors are automatically registered for this assessment as it is provided by the Colorado Department of Education. However, students have the option of taking the SAT with essay and must register for this through their online College Board account by February 16. Contact Assistant Principal Wille with questions ([email protected]). By: Susan Aberle, Junior High Social Committee Chair
Please join us for D'Evelyn's Annual Junior High Spring Social on Friday, February 3rd in the D'Evelyn Small Gym. We look forward to this opportunity to get our junior high kids together to have fun and celebrate with Pizza, a DJ, games, and prizes. All D'Evelyn 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade students are welcome.
Tickets will be sold for $5 outside the cafeteria Thursday and Friday the week of the event. To volunteer for the event and contribute desserts, time, or monetary donations please sign up at our SignUp Genius. Senior High students interested in taking AP classes during the 2023/24 school year should consider attending the AP interest information sessions being held this week during 7th hour.
Items left in the gym locker room last semester have been taken to lost and found in the front office. The items are marked by locker number. Students have until Wednesday, January 25, to retrieve their items. Unclaimed items will be donated.
Support the D'Evelyn Athletic Program on January 17th by participating in the Chipotle fundraiser at Chipotle in Southwest Plaza (8100 W. Crestline Ave, Denver, CO 80123). 33% of the event sales are donated to the D'Evelyn Athletic Program. Show this flyer in the restaurant or order online for pickup using code (PYEKLKX). By: Megan Choun, D'Evelyn Math Teacher & Yearbook Advisor Do you want to be in the yearbook? The yearbook staff needs your photos! Please scan the QR code on the posters around the school or submit photos here. We need photos of junior high sports, junior high student council, and NJHS. We also need photos from all grade levels: 2022 summer break, 2022 winter break, jobs/internships, friendships over the years, and any other fun photos you'd like to submit for possible entry into the yearbook. *Friendships Over the Years: Please send photos from when students were younger (i.e. Pre-K/elementary years) and are still friends today! The D'Evelyn High School Cheer Team is hosting a Mini Cheer Clinic in January. Invite your friends and family! 2 years old through middle school are invited to join and learn cheers, jumps, stunts, and a dance to perform at a D'Evelyn Boys Basketball game.
Practices will be held January 10 - 12, 4:30 - 5:30 pm in the D'Evelyn Cafeteria. The halftime performance will be at the January 13th Boys Basketball game vs Wheat Ridge. The game starts at 7 pm in the D'Evelyn large gym. The Mini Cheer Clinic cost is $80 and includes a t-shirt, hair bow, and admittance to the game. Register online by 10 am on January 10th. All fees will help support D'Evelyn Cheer Team's trip to nationals in Florida. |
May 2023