Please join us on September 8th from 5:30 - 7:30 for an awesome evening.
Agenda: 5:30 - 6:00 College Fair in the large gym with the Jesuit Excellence Tour 6:00 - 7:30 Break-out sessions
It is going to be a really informative evening and we would love for you to join us! College Night is designed for students and families in grades 10-12, but all students and families are welcome. Please contact Molly Harrington or Jon Watson with any questions. By: Susan Aberle, Junior High Social Committee Chair Please join us for D'Evelyn's Annual Junior High Fall Social on Friday, September 9th on the D'Evelyn Front Lawn. We look forward to this opportunity to get our junior high kids together to have fun and celebrate with Pizza, a DJ, a bounce house, and games. All D'Evelyn 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students are welcome.
Tickets will be sold for $5 outside the cafeteria throughout the week of the event. To volunteer for the event and contribute desserts, time, or monetary donations please sign up at our SignUp Genius. Questions? Please contact us at [email protected]. Junior High Back to School BBQ Success Thank you to all who turned out at Clement Park on August 19 for the Junior High Social Committee Back to School BBQ. We had a huge turnout with hundreds of families and friends. The weather was marvelous, great food was brought by all and the kids really enjoyed playing games, running the fields, and being together. A very special thanks to our amazing volunteers, especially; Jen Story, Mike & Leslie Kibbee, Soumita Datta, Norma Mayes, Josh and Kelly Benninghoff, Rita Dale, Liang Chen, Kelly & Nora Brooks and Dan Jones and anyone else I may have missed. This event could not have happened without your dedication and due diligence. By: Greg Kottcamp, Assistant Principal
The sixth-grade parent-teacher conferences on Thursday, September 8th are an opportunity for parents to meet their student's homeroom (Reading) teacher to learn more about the D'Evelyn program. Families will meet with their student's homeroom teacher at D'Evelyn (exact location TBD). If you are unable to attend conferences in person, we are happy to fulfill the scheduled meeting over the phone. 6th Graders will have school on this day. We strongly recommend signing up for a scheduled time slot conference, as these conferences allow for twice the amount of conference time compared to the school conferences held in the gym on September 28th and 29th. Additionally, parents won’t need to wait in lines in a crowded gym - saving time. We will send the Sign-Up Genius link to parents on Friday, August 26 with instructions. By: Susan Aberle
Please join us for D'Evelyn's Annual Junior High Back to School BBQ this Friday at Clement Park. We look forward to this opportunity to get our families together to start the year off with a social event full of food, fun, and friends. All D'Evelyn 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade students and your families are welcome.
We will provide burgers, hot dogs, chips, water, and games. Please bring something to share:
Sign up to Volunteer at this event through our Sign Up Genius. Questions? Please contact us at [email protected] |
May 2023